Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I have never blogged before. I've always thought of blogs as another way for people to judge you. It's as though interacting with real live people and having them reflect on you as an individual isn't enough, now they can refer back to words you've written. Go ahead, judge.

Part of figuring out this whole blog thing required me to set a domain name. I creatively chose Michael Whitham as my first option. This was not available, however, michaelmichael-michael was. I thought for a moment about the joy I would receive from telling people to check out my blog at, I, however, chose something a little more conservative.

Over the years I have thought of many creative titles for different blog posts. One could (almost) count it as a hobby of mine. Hopefully I'll start putting those to some good use. It would be even better if meaningful content would follow.